MY FINAL REFLECTION... (Image courtesy of Pixabay) It is with great relief that I type this final post for LIBE477C. When you sent out the first email, I was the most anxious I've ever been to start a university course. What made it uncomfortable mostly for me was the technology requirements and the fact that my learning was going to be public. The time of the year was also challenging. Being able to BALANCE teaching, marking, end of year concerts & shows, family and report cards with the UBC course was very difficult this time around. Requiring me to have a greater online presence was also trying. I know that this aspect of the course was not my forte but I did what I could do with the time I had. (Image courtesy of Pixabay) In one of the earlier blog posts, I talked about how LEARNING IS MESSY , and it was! Figuring out how to blog and use the tools available to insert links, videos and images for example took some time. ...